Safe Sleep: What is it?

You have probably heard the term “safe sleep” tossed around in parenting articles and conversations. What does that really mean? There have been some changing standards in what constitutes safe sleep and professional guidelines around what is most recommended for the safety of your child.

Safe sleep is intended to counter the leading cause of injury death in infancy: Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), including Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). To reduce the risk of sleep-related deaths, many experts (the American Academy of Pediatrics) suggest:

  • Placing infants on their backs for sleep in their own space with no other people

  • Use a crib, bassinet, or portable play yard with a firm, flat mattress and a fitted sheet. Avoid sleep on a couch, or armchair - or in a seating device, like a swing or car seat (with the exception of when you’re driving in the car).

  • Keep the sleep space clear of blankets, stuffed toys, pillows, bumpers, or other soft items.

  • Breastfeeding if possible and avoid smoking.

For more information, please check out these videos:

Safe Sleep for Babies

SIDS Can Happen to Anyone


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